Terms you should


Medieval/Renaissance Clothing worn at events.

Any point in time between the year 600 CE to 1600 CE, the time frame that the SCA operates within.

A character that might have lived in the SCA period that a member pretends to be at events; A persona can be very simple or quite complex, it's up to YOU!

Troll or Gate
The place when you check in at an event and fill out your NCR forms

Rino Hide
Someone who refuses to die at a Tournament!

The place at events where you pay any monies due and receive your site token (it is required that everyone check in at ALL events)

Day Tripping
Not camping overnight, may or may not be eating feast.

Call of the Marshalls for everyone to stop. Failure to do so may result in someone being injured.

Call  to indicate a knife is being unconcealed.

Dinner, usually served in the feast hall at events. There is a separate fee and space is limited.

Chivalry In the Current Middle Ages....

The SCA strives to reproduce and recreate the best aspects of the middle ages and renaissance, especially the ideals of courtesy, chivalry, loyalty, and honor. We address one another as "My Lord" or "My Lady." If someone holds a higher title they will gently correct you. When someone wearing a crown walks past, it's polite to bow your head or give a small curtsy. The King and Queen are addressed as "Your Majesty", the Prince and Princess as "Your Highness", and The Baron and Baroness as "Your Excellency,".

If you are unsure how to address someone, just ask.

Choosing a Persona

It is not a good idea to choose a persona right away! First attend a few events. You should try out different garb and talk to all kinds of people. After a while, you may find that your interests have changed. Pick your persona name carefully! Once you pick a name and people start calling you by it, it may difficult to change it since that is the name  we all met you by! One way to avoid this is to pick a first name and go by that name for a while and decide on a last name at a later date.

Please note: You cannot use the name of a real historical person or a fictional character, or a name that implies a relationship to either. An excellent web site to check out for ideas for and the rules of SCA name construction is the SCA College of Arms-Name Articles.


For an SCA Event, just  think of  people in "garb" (costume,) fighters battling, contests, feasts, music, and dancing.  It is always a good idea to pre-register for an event if you wish to participate in the feast. For a list of up-coming events check out the Upcoming Events page and click on the links for the SCA and Trimaris home pages..

What to Bring With You to an Event?

You should  bring feast gear carried in a wicker basket (with a strong handle.) Feast gear usually consists of a wooden/pewter/silver plate, a bowl, a cup (or drinking horn), a fork, a spoon, and a knife.  (no plastic please!) You should bring your own drinks. Many people bring candles and tablecloths. Please check the site restrictions on alcohol. Drinks should be drunk from your cup, not original containers. Check the event announcement/flyer/website to see if you need to bring lunch. Some feast prices include lunch, others do not, 

During the hotter months, you might want to dress lightly during the day and bring a change of garb for the feast. During the cooler months it is a good idea to bring a cloak for morning and evening wear. Ladies may carry personal items in a small  basket.

A hat, sunscreen, and insect repellent are all good to bring with you. 


Everyone is asked to make an attempt at pre-1600 clothing. "Period" garb is the most visible of all our activities and is the only requirement in the SCA. Your garb can be as simple as a tunic or as elaborate as Elizabethan garb. Please don't feel as though you have to be dressed perfectly.  If you're not sure what to wear, ask someone. They will be more than willing to help. We understand that you may not have the knowledge or means to for a complete outfit. Another misconception is that if you wear one style of clothing, you will always have to use that style. This is not true! Many people see a costume and think they might like it, but after wearing it to their first event they find that the clothes are too uncomfortable, too warm, or not flattering to their figure.

You can  use commercial "period" patterns to construct your garb or purchase your garb ready-made. PLEASE ask someone if you need help!

©2013-2018 The Shire of Tri Os, SCA Inc.

This is the recognized Web Page for the Shire of Tri Os of the Society for Creative Anachronism Inc. The Web Minister of this page is Azra bint Seljuk (mka Cathi Ferrara-Costa/Software Factory). It is not a corporate publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and does not delineate SCA policies. In cases of conflict with printed versions of material presented on this page or its links, the dispute will be decided in favor of the printed version. For information on using photographs, articles, or artwork from this website, please contact the web minister at webminister@shireioftri-os.org. Rights to all materiel revert to the original contributors.