Society Minister of Arts and Sciences

Arts and Sciences badge

SCA Arts & Sciences are all the crafts, skills, and technologies practiced in the time period and cultures that the SCA covers.

The Society Minister of Arts and Sciences is responsible for fostering the study of period culture and technology, and methods for producing historically accurate artifacts and performances. His/her duties include coordinating the efforts of kingdom Arts and Sciences officers, and promoting the dissemination of accurate information about the fields under study.
The Minister also assists the Chronicler of the Society and the editors of Society publications in confirming the validity of research presented to the membership

Minister of Arts and Sciences, Shire of Tri Os
Lady Enise, Daughter of Oghuz

mka Jo-Ann Lambert

Deputy Minister of Arts and Sciences, Shire of Tri Os
Lady Beatrix de Tulp van der Weyden

mka Beate Hunton

 Professional Classical Guitarist

Joette Giorgis

demonstrates Classical musical styles on a variety of ancient and

medieval stringed instruments.

Merchant and maker of finely dyed linens from the Far East

Heinrich Lancbart

Demonstrates how one dyed cloth in the middle ages.

Bread Baking With Lady Enise


©2013-2018 The Shire of Tri Os, SCA Inc.

This is the recognized Web Page for the Shire of Tri Os of the Society for Creative Anachronism Inc. The Web Minister of this page is Azra bint Seljuk  (mka Cathi Ferrara-Costa/Software Factory). It is not a corporate publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and does not delineate SCA policies. In cases of conflict with printed versions of material presented on this page or its links, the dispute will be decided in favor of the printed version. For information on using photographs, articles, or artwork from this website, please contact the web minister at Rights to all materiel revert to the original contributors.